Todays pictures are typical summer evenings in the Sandri yard. We usually have a trampoline full of kids and sometimes we make a fire and toast s'mores. This makes for a later bedtime for Logan and sometimes Kaycee too. For a week or two after the Fourth of July (we let Logan stay up quite late for the party we had) Logan gave us a real problem going to bed. It was a nightmare and reminded me of those Nanny 911 shows. I am so thankful to report that since we took him out of his toddler bed and gave him Bailey's bunkbeds last week he has had no problems. The summer always seems to be difficult with it being light out so late and the older kids still outside playing.
I know all about the late bedtimes! I was proud of myself tonight because Anne was down shortly after 8. It has been as late as 10 way too often this summer! We need time to ourselves, too!
You have the whole crew over! It all looks so fun!
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