Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hanging Around

We had a great play date yesterday with Lauri (Norah), Kristie (Riley & Reese), Jenny (Lucas), Kelly (Eian) and Kelly (Olivia). I totally forgot to take pictures though. I think we were all too busy with the kids! Kaycee got a bit injured during a brawl with one of the other children (we won't name any names)!

So here are some pictures of Logan and Kaycee goofing around. Kaycee is quite the climber in that dress! Bailey just returned from Cedar Point and Soak City. He rode the Maverick which he is very proud of.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Logan's Ice Skating Lessons

Logan looking for his name tag

Logan skating for his toy

Logan taking a break :)

Class is done

Game time!

Sundays at 12:30 Logan has ice skating lessons at Suburban Ice on 25 Mile Road. Today the whole family decided to go watch (usually just Mark goes). He does a good job, but a bit different from Bailey who just knew how and didn't need lessons. Logan has fun, but I think his favorite part is playing a game afterward in the arcade. Whenever he gets home from skating and I ask how it went, the first thing I hear about is the game he played. As you'll notice from the pictures, he does spend some time sitting and laying on the ice :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Kaycee and Celia

On Wednesday my sister Denise, my dad and I took Bailey, Logan and Emma to see The Bee Movie at the $1 AMC 30 show. I highly recommend the $1 show! What a deal and the kids really enjoy it. Only thing is, bring your own snacks. As I am sure most people know, they rob you at the concession stand! They did have free suckers and cotton candy though! Anyway, my mom stayed home and watched Kaycee and Celia. She said they were good and she took a few pictures you can see below. They are only 5 months apart in age so they will be great playmates!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Neighborhood Kids

Todays pictures are typical summer evenings in the Sandri yard. We usually have a trampoline full of kids and sometimes we make a fire and toast s'mores. This makes for a later bedtime for Logan and sometimes Kaycee too. For a week or two after the Fourth of July (we let Logan stay up quite late for the party we had) Logan gave us a real problem going to bed. It was a nightmare and reminded me of those Nanny 911 shows. I am so thankful to report that since we took him out of his toddler bed and gave him Bailey's bunkbeds last week he has had no problems. The summer always seems to be difficult with it being light out so late and the older kids still outside playing.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My First Blog Entry!

I can't believe I am doing this! Since I now have extra time which I never had before, I figured I'd give it a try (after some nagging from a friend - you know who you are). I enjoy reading other blogs, so maybe someone will enjoy reading mine. I guess I have to get used to it, but here we go.

Yesterday I let the little ones finger paint which we don't do too often (I'm not a big fan of messy hands). Of course it is cool for about 5 minutes and then they are done. This was Kaycee's first time and I am happy to say she is also not a big fan of messy fingers!! Above is a picture of the final artwork. Kaycee's is the one on the right (I think Logan did half of it for her).