The first party was to try out some new toys from Mega Bloks Dragon Universe. So we invited a few boys over (and some girls for Kaycee) to PLAY! Mark and Logan put the Dual-Blast Dragon Hunter and Ultimate Action Dragon Destroyer together the night before the party. And thank goodness we did that, because they were not easy and the 6 year-olds definitely couldn't have done it alone. The girls even had fun taking the dragon eggs from the boys and playing with them! Logan seemed interested in the toys, but I knew it was only a matter of time before he got bored. The toys are AWESOME, don't get me wrong. They are just not Logan's thing. Give him a football and he'll be thrilled. But I knew Logan's friend Ethan would love this kind of stuff! Logan gave his friends each a dragon and gave Ethan one of the larger toys to take home. The boys had a blast! We gave some of the other dragons, coupons and CDs to some of Logan's other friends who couldn't make it to try out. These toys are great for boys that love action figures and make believe!
The second party we were chosen to host was Roman Town! I did not take any pictures, but had Bailey (13) and a couple of his friends try out the computer game. Logan (6) tried the game, but it was a bit difficult for him. The older boys really enjoyed it! We gave Bailey and Logan's friends some great winter hats and water bottles to take home! We also gave Bailey's friends a chance to go home and get their own free copy of Roman Town!
All in all, we loved the products and LOVE MOMMY PARTIES!!!